What is Rocket Coin?

Roket Coin: To the Moon and Beyond! 🚀🌕


Roket Coin is not your average cryptocurrency. It’s a cosmic blend of humor, speculation, and lunar aspirations. Inspired by the internet’s most iconic memes, Roket Coin aims to defy gravity and take your portfolio to new celestial heights.

Key Features

Rocket-Powered Growth: Just like a SpaceX Falcon 9, Roket Coin’s value is fueled by community enthusiasm. Strap in, because this coin is on a trajectory to infinity and beyond!

Meme Mascot: Meet Rokky the Rocket, our interstellar mascot. With a mischievous grin and pixelated exhaust flames, Rokky embodies the spirit of hodling against all odds.

Moon Missions: Roket Coin holders are part of an elite crew. When the price skyrockets, we celebrate with moon-themed parties, lunar dance-offs, and zero-gravity memes.

Zero-Gravity Transactions: Sending Roket Coin is smoother than a moonwalk. Our blockchain technology ensures lightning-fast transfers, even in the vacuum of space.

Cosmic Staking: Stake your Roket Coins and earn stardust rewards. The longer you hold, the closer you get to the moon. 🌙


Phase 1: Launchpad Ignition

Blast off from Earth’s surface.

Avoid FUD asteroids.

Achieve escape velocity.

Phase 2: Lunar Orbit

Circle the moon.

Dodge moon whales.

High-five Neil Armstrong (in spirit).

Phase 3: Moon Landing

Touch down gently.

Plant the Roket flag.

Celebrate with moon cheese and Tang.

Community Quotes

“Roket Coin cured my Earth-bound blues. Now I dream in rocket emojis.”

“When Roket Coin moons, I’ll buy a Lamborghini shaped like a Saturn V.”


Roket Coin is purely for entertainment purposes. Do not attempt to build actual rockets with it. Consult your financial advisor before launching your portfolio to the moon.

Remember: In crypto, we trust (and meme).

All About RCOIN

Price in USD
All-time high-
Market Cap-
24h Volume-
Contract Address9zvfcu3hdux4depfx59f9yamzwcexlronovpeagbvyeu
ETH Address-
BSC Address-

Rocket Coin


No trading data

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49.997 M

RCOIN Price Chart

MarketExchangePriceVolume 24hLiquidity ±2%
Market Depth

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RCOIN Depth Chart


RCOIN Breakdown


  • Categories


  • Asset Type


  • Proof


  • Hash


  • Total Transfers


  • Holders


  • Mineable


  • Premined


  • Inflation

  • Jurisdiction


  • Hard Cap


  • ICO Price (USD)


  • ICO Price (ETH)


  • ICO Price (BTC)


  • ICO Start Date


  • ICO End Date


  • Total USD Raised
